write 관리자
date 24-02-21
view 177
Electronic Device Solution Inc.,
signs an agreement to attract investment for relocating and establishing new companies in Daejeon city
Daejeon City signed a business agreement with nine small and medium-sized domestic companies to invest KRW 118.2 billion and create about 250 jobs at the Daejeon City Hall conference room at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
The agreement contains joint efforts to create new jobs and develop the local economy through corporate relocation and new investment, as well as administrative and financial support from Daejeon City for smooth investment by companies.
Byeong-ok Lim, CEO of Electronic Device Solution Inc. also attended the agreement and signed an agreement with Daejeon City.
Electronic Device Solution Inc.(CEO Byeong-ok Lim) is a company that develops and manufactures RF components, modules, and devices that use strategic RF technology for military systems such as AESA radar and wireless communications such as 5G communication, and seeks to expand its business area through steady development of mass production facilities and technologies. They announced that they will invest in relocating to Yuseong Jangdae Industrial Complex.
Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo promised, “We will provide generous administrative and financial support by quickly creating a 5 million pyeong+α industrial complex so that Daejeon investment companies can develop and grow.” He also said, “I am grateful to the companies that decided to invest in Daejeon despite the difficult domestic and international economic conditions.”
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